Nine Reasons Why White Tea Is Good For You

As you probably know, green tea is being lauded for its health benefits and generally healthy properties. As it happens, white tea is even better. Here we look at the nine most important reasons why white tea is good for you.

1. White tea contains antioxidants.

The most important antioxidant in white tea is EGCG, a potent catechin that neutralizes the harmful free radicals in the cells. Free radicals that are suspected to be important components of various harmful processes, such as aging, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other undesired processes and ailments. All teas contain EGCG, but white tea has the most. It is the healthiest tea in the world.

2. White tea can help restore the fluid balance.

Lots of people go around their daily life not knowing that they are chronically dehydrated. Common wisdom prescribes that an adult should drink 1,5 liters of water a day to maintain the fluid balance, and many don't drink that much. Keep in mind that caffeine is a diuretic, and may well cause the body to lose more water than it takes in. Because white tea contains much less caffeine than coffee, white tea does not cause the body to lose as much water, but rather seems to increase the level of hydration because the body takes in more fluid than it releases.

3. White tea contains caffeine.

Apart from the diuretic properties, recent research suggests that caffeine stimulates the brain, making you more alert, and acts as en endurance enhancer for physical activity.

4. White tea contains fluoride.

Fluoride has strong antibacterial properties, and is the active ingredient in all effective toothpastes. White tea does not contain as much fluoride as toothpaste, but enough to have a measurable antibacterial effect. This means that drinking white tea can have beneficial consequences for your oral and dental health.

5. White tea does not stain the teeth as much as other teas.

This is a problem that especially drinkers of black tea face. White tea is a clear liquid, and doesn't stain the teeth as much as coffee or other teas do.

6. White tea can accelerate the metabolism.

In essence, the caffeine in the tea makes the body burn energy faster. Some people use tea as a part of a diet. Tea in itself does have a slimming effect, but really comes into its own as a substitute for other, less healthy beverages like sodas.

7. White tea could help lower the sugar intake.

Drinking tea instead of calory-filles beverages like sodas and sports drinks can go a long way to reduce the sugar intake. Sugar has a surprisingly large effect on bodyweight, and has been linked with both cancer, heart disease and diabetes. White tea contains no calories, and sipping a cup of delicious white brew is much healthier than guzzling sugared or artificially sweetened drinks.

8. White tea modifies the metabolism to detoxify harmful substances.

This is a recent result in tea research, and shows that white tea cells seem to «train» the cells to dispose of toxic substances more efficiently. This appears to be a result of a combined effort by the caffeine in the tea and the abundant antioxidants.

9. Drinking white tea is good for the soul.

Sipping white tea is quite relaxing, and it can be an efficient stress-reducing activity to take a few mellow minutes out of a busy day to just enjoy the nuances of the delicate, subtle flavor. It's a luxury that can be enjoyed every day, and unlike most luxuries, it has the added benefit that it is very good for your health.

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